Biometric Screenings and Health Risk Assessments
Wellness Works For You partners with Central Wellness to provide no hassle programs, with valuable health information and screenings. Bringing wellness to the workplace with minimal interruptions!
On-Site Screenings:
Lower your companies health care costs and help your employees stay healthy.
Blood pressure screenings
Influenza vaccines
Total cholesterol and glucose (finger-stick results in 10 minutes)
Total lipid profile and glucose (finger-stick results in 10 minutes)
P.S.A. prostate specific antigen
H.B.A.1C; diabetes screening
Complete metabolic panel
Health screenings include : blood pressure, B.M.I., weight, optional hip, waist ration and body fat analysis
Health Risk Assessments:
Both online and paper options are available. H.R.A.’s are coordinated and facilitated by the health and wellness manager to ensure confidentiality.
Confidential individual access
Designed to assess lifestyle and health status
Easy to read individual wellness report
Suggestions and recommendations for reducing health risks
Corporate summary reports available