Healing Strategies



  • Begin each day with 5-10 minutes of prayer or gratitude. Precede this practice with 4-7-8 (breath in 4 sec., hold 7 sec., exhale 8 sec.) breathing to calm your nervous system. Practice 4-7-8 breathing before each meal to facilitate digestion

  • Enjoy a gentle or moderate form of exercise at sometime during the day

  • Spend at least 20 minutes outside in the sun each day and delay putting sunglasses on

  • Walk on the earth barefoot or sit in the grass to ground yourself daily

  • Prior to bathing, dry brush your skin including limbs and core; be sure to brush towards your heart to facilitate lymphatic circulation

  • Bathe in a hot bath with 1-2 cups of Epsom salts combined with your favorite essential oils; lavender aids in stress reduction and peppermint is invigorating

  • Practice mindful eating and good chewing practices with meals and drinks

  • Go to bed no later than 10PM and turn off electronics 2 hours prior to sleep


Supplements To Heal Your Gut



Multi-strain 25-50 billion. Start with a lower dose if you are new to probiotics. This supplement will aid in repairing your entire gut.


Betaine HLC

(Only take if advised by a health practitioner )

Take 15 minutes before meals. Take 700 mcg pills (1-6, build up until you feel a slight warmth). This supports your heart, mood, gastric function, protein digestion, and production of healthy stomach acid.


1000mg-5000 mg a day. You may also choose a gut healing formula. This supplement helps repair the gut lining and boost immune cell activity in the gut and helps prevent inflammation and infection.


Digestive Enzymes

Take before meals that contain protein and fat. This will facilitate the breakdown of food, allowing the gut to heal and increase absorption of nutrients, fat and protein.


Organic Bone Broth

Powder, store bought, or homemade. Bone broth detoxifies, strengthens the immune system, heals gut lining.


Supplements To Decrease Inflammation + Detoxify


Milk Thistle

200-300 mg daily. You may also choose a liver detox supplement. This supports weight loss, reduces cholesterol, aids in prevention of cancer cells forming, encourages skin health, and detoxifies and protects your liver.


100-200 mg daily. Turmeric has incredible anti-inflammatory properties and linked to improve brain function.

Fish Oil

1-3 gms. daily. Ensure the supplements are purified or molecularly distilled.

Fish oil may reduce risk of heart disease and improve brain health and pshychiatric disorders. Also reduces inflammation and can aid in weight loss.


Supplements To Reduce Stress


Vitamin D3

1000mg-5000 mg daily. Have your levels checked by your doctor to determine exact amount needed. Vitamin D3 aids in body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus and improves mood and energy levels and immune function.

Magnesium Glycinate

400 mg daily. Take before bed. You can increase this supplement over time until you begin to notice your stool being loose, then go back to your previous dose. This supplement can help relieve anxiety and promote deeper sleep.

Adaptogens: Ashwaganda + Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Take as directed. Adaptogens work to counteract the effects of stress in the body, mind, immune and nervous system.

Methylated Vitamin B Complex

Take as directed. Methylated B12 helps the body produce red blood cells, which is essential to the vitality of the nerves and brain. Especially helpful to people with anemia and diabetes.


Supplements To Improve Blood Sugar


Alpha-Lipoid Acid

300 mg two times daily. Works as an antioxidant and may lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and provide protection to the brain.


500 mg two times daily. Cinnamon is high in the antioxidant polyphenol, which provides calcium and iron. Aids in stabilization of blood sugar and is a powerful anti-inflammatory.


500-1000 mcg daily. Improves body’s response to insulin and lowering blood sugar in those who are diabetic. This supplement reduces hunger, cravings, and inclinations to binge eat.