Kitchen Staples
* Choose organic when possible *
Fats + Oils
Extra virgin olive oil / olives
Coconut oil / coconut flakes
Avocado oil / avocados
Nuts + seeds
Nut butters - except peanut butter
Fats to introduce after 21 days:
Pastured butter
Ghee (clarified butter)
Organic peanut butter
Fruits + Vegetables
All frozen and fresh
Cultured veggies like sauerkraut, kimchi
Pickles in a cloud brine
Black + pinto + garbanzo
Grains + Flours
Gluten free breads
Gluten free oats - steel cut / quick cook
Whole grain rice - brown, black, or white
Gluten free grains: millet, amaranth, quinoa
Quinoa or brown rice pasta
Grains to introduce after 21 days:
Sprouted breads like Ezekiel
Sour dough bread
Meat + Fish
Cage free eggs
Wild caught salmon / canned tuna
Free range chicken and turkey
Nitrate free bacon / lunch meat: Applegate or Plainville
Grass fed / pastured / wild game beef
Local honey + maple syrup
70% or darker chocolate
Milk + Dairy
Nut milks + creamers: almond, coconut, or cashew
Rice milk
Dairy to introduce after 21 days:
Whole or 2% organic milk
Raw milk from a local, trusted source
Full fat organic yogurts
Apple cider vinegar (all other vinegars except malt)
Mustard + relish (NO hi-fructose corn syrup)
All spices, especially turmeric, cinnamon, curry powders, garlic powder
Sea salt + fresh ground pepper
Canned veggies + chicken broth
Stewed tomatoes