Foods To Avoid
Avoid GMO’s
Limit high starchy vegetables like white potatoes
Limit fruit serving 2-3 a day
Avoid all gluten containing grains like wheat, rye, spelt, barley, (oats that don’t say they are gluten free)
Avoid corn
Stay away from conventionally raised chicken, turkey, beefs, pork
Avoid processed meats such as lunch meats, hotdogs, bacon (unless they say no nitrites)
Avoid larger fish shark, sword, and farmed fish ( higher in mercury and toxins)
Limit salted nuts + roasted with seed oils
Avoid fats like margarines, butter, trans fat, and hydrogenated oils
Avoid all cow + goat milk; yogurt, cheese, creamers
Only consume if it’s a nut or grain based alternative
Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, sodas, sweetened drinks
Avoid white or brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, desserts ( dark chocolate in small amounts is good)
Avoid or limit condiments like ketchup barbecue sauce, soy sauce (can use GF Tamari)
Peanuts + soy